PIP PIP! Very good! Made me laugh tonnes, and my name on msn is now "Would u like a golden potato, i found it in me underpants!" Keep goin man!
PIP PIP! Very good! Made me laugh tonnes, and my name on msn is now "Would u like a golden potato, i found it in me underpants!" Keep goin man!
Wow, I came up with an MSN name? How Bullshank is that, glad you enjoyed it!
Well good!
That is well cool, i love horror and terror! Supurb, the only thing is when the guy crawls from wall he sorta freezes after, mybe a few xtra unintended frames. My best bit was the person held up by the nails, unexpected and shockin. I appologise if ne1 as read dis b4 dey watch it! lol. Xelent!
Just below par.
I so totally agree
Proper bo i tell the! All my 5 belong to this!
Well good
That is indeed a tribute to flash! and that 9/11 bit, i take my hat off for u daring to do that. nice use of the butterfly effect aswell.
tHE pAin Of tHE mUSic, iT bURns! flip. no bur seriously that is really annoying
if the music was that anoying,
why didnt you close the movie?!
its a funny slideshow with funny unsuitable music which made it funny!
I love that hill!
I love that hill, But thats funny as hell. Rock on sole survior, rock on.
The music really drove into my head! seriously it did, and the animation being so slow got me bored, if it wasnt for the subway bit at the end I woulda shot myself.
Okey eres some advise
I only do helpfull reveiws so ere u go,
Next movie try to Use more animation eg. separate legs or arms, also try to make ur drawing smoother than that, they look like dey been hit. Keep it up and possibly tell me when ur new one is out so i can see if uve improved, Adios
If At First you Dont Succeed, Go fir the Shins!
Age 34, Male
Sussex, England
Joined on 4/26/04